Release Suffering, Increase Joy Dramatically, Step Into Your Purpose NOW
Suffering and Pain are old paradigms. It's time to let them go. I will show you the way, because I have walked it, and we will take the first steps together. I will meet you wherever you are on your journey. We've got this!
Telephone: +52 322 152 2300 Email:
Mexico and Global
Mexico and Global
My mission, one of the missions I've chosen to accept thus far that is, is facilitating people in Easing their suffering, Lightening their load, Becoming whole and Bringing light and compassion with humor to this planet during this wonderful time of change and awakening.
I am a healer acting as the catalyst for your own best self evolution.
When you are more of who you are, All of Us can be more of who we are
... and Magic begins.
My certificates and natural abilities include Reiki and Intuitive Energy Healing (I can see in you where energy is stuck or weak and creating some dis-ease and can get it rolling again, with or without a specific physical/emotional issue), Access Bars Relaxation and Clearing session®, Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT, and Systemic Family Constellations as well as most recently Shamanic Journeying for divination and insight. I will use any and all of these techniques, as your body provides information. I also do house and business clearings if you are looking to sell, buy, change etc. This work is incredibly potent and transformative so you don't have to look for buyers or sellers for months and months. All of the services I offer can be done over the phone or Skype or remotely, except Access Bars. Visit the Testimonials page to see people's reactions to various modalities and feel which one is right for you at this time, or tell me what's going on and we'll use a combination
I am a healer acting as the catalyst for your own best self evolution.
When you are more of who you are, All of Us can be more of who we are
... and Magic begins.
My certificates and natural abilities include Reiki and Intuitive Energy Healing (I can see in you where energy is stuck or weak and creating some dis-ease and can get it rolling again, with or without a specific physical/emotional issue), Access Bars Relaxation and Clearing session®, Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT, and Systemic Family Constellations as well as most recently Shamanic Journeying for divination and insight. I will use any and all of these techniques, as your body provides information. I also do house and business clearings if you are looking to sell, buy, change etc. This work is incredibly potent and transformative so you don't have to look for buyers or sellers for months and months. All of the services I offer can be done over the phone or Skype or remotely, except Access Bars. Visit the Testimonials page to see people's reactions to various modalities and feel which one is right for you at this time, or tell me what's going on and we'll use a combination
I’ve worked many years to untangle and resolve feelings to find inner peace and acceptance. While I’ve had some success, the kernel of truth deep inside kept me from closure. Our table top constellation session quickly revealed the cause and identified generations with the same pain and hurt. Allowing each of us to give these feelings back to their rightful owner released the suffering and opened our hearts. Thank you for your wisdom and insight to open my heart and for doing what I could not do on my own. I hope this testimonial will help others find their own inner peace and love with a table top constellation session with you. Linda H
Tara is a gifted practitioner of several therapeutic techniques, like Family Constellations, Shamanic journeying and EFT. She knows how to help you get to the root of an issue--and she is able to help you reframe your thoughts so you can focus on the highest and best choices for yourself. Not only is each session fun and enlightening, but I'm noticing wonderful changes in other aspects of my life. For instance, I feel more enthusiasm for making changes in general. And I realized I had a sense of deprivation that I now know I don't need to carry any longer. I am deserving of having and receiving! If you are lucky enough to see Tara in person, you will feel relaxed, pampered, and enhanced in wonderful ways. Her touch is truly healing. She connects with everyone she works with in a very enthusiastic and personal manner. Margherita, Faster EFT practitioner, Virginia
I am feeling so good. Still free of it and embracing the day (as I want to and as I should because why not, right). I feel really at peace with my mom. I feel strong and empowered after your insight regarding my past lives. It feels so right and makes sense. Today is my first day meditating. Fredrika
I’ve worked many years to untangle and resolve feelings to find inner peace and acceptance. While I’ve had some success, the kernel of truth deep inside kept me from closure. Our table top constellation session quickly revealed the cause and identified generations with the same pain and hurt. Allowing each of us to give these feelings back to their rightful owner released the suffering and opened our hearts. Thank you for your wisdom and insight to open my heart and for doing what I could not do on my own. I hope this testimonial will help others find their own inner peace and love with a table top constellation session with you. Linda H
Tara is a gifted practitioner of several therapeutic techniques, like Family Constellations, Shamanic journeying and EFT. She knows how to help you get to the root of an issue--and she is able to help you reframe your thoughts so you can focus on the highest and best choices for yourself. Not only is each session fun and enlightening, but I'm noticing wonderful changes in other aspects of my life. For instance, I feel more enthusiasm for making changes in general. And I realized I had a sense of deprivation that I now know I don't need to carry any longer. I am deserving of having and receiving! If you are lucky enough to see Tara in person, you will feel relaxed, pampered, and enhanced in wonderful ways. Her touch is truly healing. She connects with everyone she works with in a very enthusiastic and personal manner. Margherita, Faster EFT practitioner, Virginia
I am feeling so good. Still free of it and embracing the day (as I want to and as I should because why not, right). I feel really at peace with my mom. I feel strong and empowered after your insight regarding my past lives. It feels so right and makes sense. Today is my first day meditating. Fredrika

About Tara Latifa
I was born in Turkey over 40 years ago, (give or take), and my grandfather Orhan used to call me Tara of Ankara because that is the city in which I was born. My father moved us to India shortly after that and so I was able to experience first hand the culture that gave me my name: Tara. It means Star in Hindi and is also the Tibetan name of the Goddess known in other cultures as Kwan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion, also the Female Buddha. Tara in Latin means earth, or dirt. So my name has given me clues to what I am doing here on this beautiful and difficult planet, and while I haven't quite figured it all out yet, I know at least some of it by now. Bridging the earth and the heavens and discovering the gifts, abilities and knowledge I have begun reclaiming from this and other life-times walking in love on this beautiful planet.
I am here to dissipate suffering and pain and despair and much of that is simply inside of us and we don't know how to separate from it. I am getting very very close and I've been working on it for years, learning whatever I can that resonates with me. It turns out that I have been doing healings for years, though I only recently became conscious that I was, or only recently allowed myself to know what I know. With this knowledge comes more skill and more awareness and more desire to have each of us on the planet feeling as good and whole as we possibly can, because when you feel good, I feel better and the earth feels better and your dog feels better and no one has to take on what is your's and you no longer have to take on what's not your's and so on and so on. That's the simple truth, and you know it! This ancient pattern of taking things on for others out of love it turns out is a very real and huge obstacle to us living our own highest lives and and fulfilling our destinies. One modality that I practice that helps put everything back where it belongs is: Systemic Family Constellations. I have a technique that has evolved from this modality but that is slightly quicker: I step with you behind the veil, out of ordinary reality and into the unseen realms or extra-ordinary reality, and you and the person you are experiencing pain or conflict with stand across from each other and we make sure you give back what you are holding for each other or what you've taken from each other, in the energetic sense. I witness and guide you. And we do it for a place as well, a place you are still connected with that might be drawing you there when you are no longer meant to be there.
But before I let myself "know what I know," or have awareness of what and who I am, I travelled down several very different paths. I worked in international development at the World Bank and became a Middle East Specialist from Johns Hopkins, SAIS. I also became a mother to Eden (and that continues, by the way, to be the hardest job on the planet, probably because he is one of my greatest teachers and good teachers push barriers and buttons). Then I opened an international preschool in Turkey and discovered that I love teaching kids, and by that I mean playing with kids who have such a hard time understanding what age I am because they see me like themselves. And I am myself when I am with them. You can still visit my website for the school and most of what I built there because they haven't changed the website or even some of the photos in the last 10 years, though it has new owners!
Then I became the world's Turkish Hand Gestures expert and wrote a book of gestures which you can download at Turks have a para-linguistic language that shows their emotions, their creativity, their humor and their culture, and I've noticed and captured over 150 of those gestures. I also take people on trips to Turkey to visit some of my favorite mystical spots. You can read an article I wrote about my first Ramazan in Turkey ramadan_in_mardin_word.doc in one of its most mystical cities, Mardin.
Now I am here, as I was always headed towards, facilitating people in easing their suffering, lightening their load, becoming whole and bringing light and compassion with humor to this planet in this wonderful time of change and awakening.
When you are more of who you are, All of Us can be more of who we are
and Magic begins.
I was born in Turkey over 40 years ago, (give or take), and my grandfather Orhan used to call me Tara of Ankara because that is the city in which I was born. My father moved us to India shortly after that and so I was able to experience first hand the culture that gave me my name: Tara. It means Star in Hindi and is also the Tibetan name of the Goddess known in other cultures as Kwan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion, also the Female Buddha. Tara in Latin means earth, or dirt. So my name has given me clues to what I am doing here on this beautiful and difficult planet, and while I haven't quite figured it all out yet, I know at least some of it by now. Bridging the earth and the heavens and discovering the gifts, abilities and knowledge I have begun reclaiming from this and other life-times walking in love on this beautiful planet.
I am here to dissipate suffering and pain and despair and much of that is simply inside of us and we don't know how to separate from it. I am getting very very close and I've been working on it for years, learning whatever I can that resonates with me. It turns out that I have been doing healings for years, though I only recently became conscious that I was, or only recently allowed myself to know what I know. With this knowledge comes more skill and more awareness and more desire to have each of us on the planet feeling as good and whole as we possibly can, because when you feel good, I feel better and the earth feels better and your dog feels better and no one has to take on what is your's and you no longer have to take on what's not your's and so on and so on. That's the simple truth, and you know it! This ancient pattern of taking things on for others out of love it turns out is a very real and huge obstacle to us living our own highest lives and and fulfilling our destinies. One modality that I practice that helps put everything back where it belongs is: Systemic Family Constellations. I have a technique that has evolved from this modality but that is slightly quicker: I step with you behind the veil, out of ordinary reality and into the unseen realms or extra-ordinary reality, and you and the person you are experiencing pain or conflict with stand across from each other and we make sure you give back what you are holding for each other or what you've taken from each other, in the energetic sense. I witness and guide you. And we do it for a place as well, a place you are still connected with that might be drawing you there when you are no longer meant to be there.
But before I let myself "know what I know," or have awareness of what and who I am, I travelled down several very different paths. I worked in international development at the World Bank and became a Middle East Specialist from Johns Hopkins, SAIS. I also became a mother to Eden (and that continues, by the way, to be the hardest job on the planet, probably because he is one of my greatest teachers and good teachers push barriers and buttons). Then I opened an international preschool in Turkey and discovered that I love teaching kids, and by that I mean playing with kids who have such a hard time understanding what age I am because they see me like themselves. And I am myself when I am with them. You can still visit my website for the school and most of what I built there because they haven't changed the website or even some of the photos in the last 10 years, though it has new owners!
Then I became the world's Turkish Hand Gestures expert and wrote a book of gestures which you can download at Turks have a para-linguistic language that shows their emotions, their creativity, their humor and their culture, and I've noticed and captured over 150 of those gestures. I also take people on trips to Turkey to visit some of my favorite mystical spots. You can read an article I wrote about my first Ramazan in Turkey ramadan_in_mardin_word.doc in one of its most mystical cities, Mardin.
Now I am here, as I was always headed towards, facilitating people in easing their suffering, lightening their load, becoming whole and bringing light and compassion with humor to this planet in this wonderful time of change and awakening.
When you are more of who you are, All of Us can be more of who we are
and Magic begins.